
This foundational course will prepare you for
the Ancestor Ceremonies in October and the Contrary Dance in February for healing. 
Please click here to register.

Message of Hope for the Changes to Come:  
Spiritual Evolution of Humanity and the Healing of Mother Earth

We are now in the midst of the fulfillment of prophecy. As human family, we have ignored the warnings of the Spirit, the Sacred Teachings, and the plight of extinction in the natural world for the mineral life, the plant life, the animal life, and the living creatures in the waters and in the air.  

As a dark force has descended to challenge all human life on Mother Earth, we reach for the Creator for help, healing, spiritual guidance, and a sense of the way forward.

As much as we are suffering now, we are labouring for a new world, a new society, and new values underpinning our economy, our governance, our health and education, and social systems. Move within the change, do not fear.  

Your Daily Responsibilities

1. Keep the Ceremonies Going: Give Thanks Every Morning and Evening

At Soul of the Mother we are offering ceremonies at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm daily from our respective homes until we can meet again at the Sacred Fire. This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical battle. COVID 19 is a spiritual illness manifesting physically. 

2. Drink Medicine

You have been taught to use medicines and ‘give direction’ to whatever medicine you have handy at this time to build your immune system. Use your traditional name and address the Creator, Mother Earth, the sacred water, and the medicines to do their work in your body to strengthen your immune system so that the virus passes you by.

3. Connect with Community Daily 

We need each other more than ever as ceremonial family across the decades and great distances. Keep emails, texts, and calls going daily to support one another and share love, dreams, spiritual messages, visions, and laughter (good medicine). Make sure you let your people, friends, colleagues, family members know how much you love and care for them. Do not be shy to share your deepest words and feelings to express to others the love for them that you have in your heart. 

4. Call Out Love for Creation and Humanity: Kanaronkwa

In your daily invocations, call out all the love you have in your heart for humanity and Mother Earth to heal and protect all life.

The greatest medicine in the universe is LOVE. The love of the Creator is infinite and has power beyond words or description. The infinite love of the Creator heals all and protects each other and all of creation. 

Our Mission at Soul of the Mother

Our mission is to offer Ancient Indigenous wisdom as a means of joining the human spirit to the Spirit of the Creator for sacred, loving guidance in life.

As spiritual people, we understand that the world is changing around us as foretold in our ancient prophecies. Those warnings provide a road map advocating for the change in human behaviour that is required to support Natural Laws of the Earth and universal spiritual principles common to all faith traditions. Nothing less than the spiritual evolution of humanity is required to support the healing of Mother Earth. Unity of the human family is essential to support the momentum for change that is sweeping Mother Earth. A tsunami of Spirit has awakened millions to the call to action to celebrate the gift of life, the web of life, and sacred responsibilities to protect all Life Beings.

The time is NOW for action to connect to the great spider web that has formed over the Earth. The internet allows instant communication to ensure prayers of thousands can be connected at once. Every ceremony is a healing for the Earth. Ride the Wave of Spirit!!

To learn more, go to Natural Order of Humanity Within Creation

What do the Ancestors direct us to do in these challenging times when EGO seems to rule the planet?

We are directed to see through the illusion of power.


  • Returning to the Source of Life
  • Returning to the land to feel the original rhythm of life
  • Returning to a sacred way of life, sustainable living, a simple life of humility
  • Remembering the Original Instructions by the Creator on how to be a balanced Human Being
  • Remembering the Covenant made in the Spirit world with the Creator… and the plan for your life, your spiritual mandate
  • Remembering the Ancestral lineage that walks with you and the strength, protection, and beauty that they bring to you
  • Remembering that you have been prayed for by your Ancestors for thousands of years to be the person you are today, living this life, being born in this time period
  • Remembering that you have an incredible contribution to make to the world with your gifts and the world is waiting for you
  • Remembrance of the pathway of life left for us by our Ancestors, following their footsteps


  • Healing through alignment with the Ancestors, the Spirit World, Mother Earth, and all of Creation
  • Balancing the spirit, mind, emotions, and body
  • Accepting who you are and your Ancestral lineage for spiritual and cultural integrity
  • Following spiritual discipline
  • Defeating the sickness of anger infecting the world
  • Earning your Vision


  • Making a personal commitment to maintain the beauty of the healing you received through daily spiritual discipline and embracing spiritual values
  • Embracing your gifts and surrendering your life to the Creator
  • Accepting that you are a change-maker empowered by the Divine
  • Birthing the New Mind
  • Understanding that there are no limits to your infinite potential
  • Walking with humility in the presence of the Creator
  • Letting go of the illusions of the past and embracing your true identity provided by the Creator’s Vision for your life


  • Offering personal Sacrifice and Sacred Service to those lodges, sacred places of worship, and ceremonial lands that provide safe places to heal
  • Giving space and voice to our youth as our future leaders
  • Embedding change with your gifts, using your skills to create new economies, new social and political systems, new educational systems, new health systems, sustainable living for all
  • Embracing the Natural Order of Humanity by nurturing all children, honouring all women as our Life Givers and Teachers, upholding Elders as our cherished Wisdom Keepers, and honouring the men as our Guardians, Providers, and Carriers of Sacred Law
  • Manifesting the Creator’s Vision for the healing of Mother Earth and contributing to the spiritual evolution of humanity


  • Falling in love with Creation
  • Learning and using the Language of Spirit to communicate with all Life Beings
  • Establishing a culture of peace for Humanity
  • Consecrating the lands and the waters of Mother Earth from the vestiges of war and conflict
  • Understanding the Code of Life that is written on the Land
  • Challenging the foundations of Humanity to incorporate Natural Laws and Spiritual Laws universally
  • Activating Ancestral strongholds in our homelands
  • Empowering our youth to initiate global change under the spiritual guidance of the Creator using their gifts and supported by the wisdom of the Elders
  • Unifying the human family
  • Co-creating a world of peace, one law of love