Soul of the Mother offers the following programs:
- Nation Building
- Visits to First Nations Communities
- Women’s Healing Ceremonies
- Men’s Healing Ceremonies
- Customized Retreats
- Training of the Spiritual Warrior of Peace
For a description of each program, please see below. To find out more details and confirm your attendance, please contact us at
Nation Building
Rebuilding the Nations of the World on a strong, ancient, Original spiritual foundation is our goal.
Our work is the restoration of ancient Indigenous wisdom, values, and spiritual lifeways empowering modern life. Ceremonies allow the individual the gift of remembering old ways and connections to the world of the Spirit and to Mother Earth’s rhythm. Peace begins with the heart of one person seeking balance and moves through the family, the clan, the community, and eventually the Nation.
We work with First Nations Governments to discuss traditional forms of governance, traditional laws, natural laws, consensus building, and new paradigms of empowerment. In addition, we coordinate the development of Elders’ Councils to advise political leadership on the way forward.
Visits to First Nations Communities
Over the last two decades, Soul of the Mother has been actively visiting First Nations communities in Canada and the US bringing ceremonies of healing, teaching, and reconciliation to thousands of our people seeking a traditional way of life in a modern context.
Ceremonies include the Purification Lodge, Naming Ceremony, spiritual guidance for life’s issues, Ancestor Ceremonies, Women’s Ceremonies, Moon Ceremony, Men’s Ceremonies, Children’s Ceremonies, Rites of Passage, Ancestor Ceremony, Death and Dying Ceremony, Marriage Ceremony, Water Ceremony, Grieving Ceremony, Little People Ceremony, Contrary Dance, and Women’s Councils.
Children learn by doing and modelling after spiritually strong and balanced adults. These particular children in the photo are preparing to enter the purification lodge specifically prepared for them. Community visits ensure that children and youth value their language, culture, and ceremonial traditions to encourage them to become the next generation leaders.
Children’s ceremonies attended with their parents are situated on Children’s Lands, 46 acres across the road from Soul of the Mother. There the children have designed, organized, and supervised the planting of 6,500 trees that are Indigenous to the Carolinian forest, nut groves, wetlands, and vegetable gardens for their families and for giveaway.
Women’s Healing Ceremonies
The Seeds of Spiritual Consciousness: Mother Earth is now fully engaged in a time of renewal energized by her own ability to heal, rebalance, and restore herself as described in prophecies thousands of years old. It is the time foretold by the Ancients of the rise of the feminine in the Divine, a time when the Sacred Medicines of the Woman are called forth in every woman through dreams, visions, and the presence of the Spirit for conscious development with application to daily living. Every part of the Human Family is being called to fulfill our sacred duties for the Creator.
The stages of life of a woman and rites of passage will be discussed along with the development of the woman as a Spiritual Warrior of Peace. Ancient Indigenous ceremonies will serve as the foundation for all teachings and healing. Looking to Ancient Indigenous teachings of Creation and Sky Woman, to the Grandmother Moon, to Mother Earth, and to the female life of the Natural World, the role of the woman will be better understood. As participants sit in ceremony, women will go through a transformative process to identify the roots of fear and anger in their lives that have wounded them and that have shaped negative behaviors. A renewal process will take place and women will find their voices and true identity, the lineage of their Ancestors, a sacred connection to the Ancestors to dream and vision, all in order to honor the sacredness of womanhood and gain a better understanding of the medicine within. Service to the Creator with high honor is the goal of our work.
The formation of Traditional Women’s Councils, Grandmother Councils, and Dream Councils throughout Canada is now a natural outcome of the work of thousands of women actively pursuing their healing and fully living their spiritual gifts.
Men’s Healing Ceremonies
The Ancients tell us of the time of balance between man and woman. The time is now.
In 2004, we were called by Spirit to host monthly ceremonies of healing for the men. Since this time, men have been gathering each month at the Sacred Fire of Peace to honour this vision and to receive teachings on relationships, ego, humility, sexuality, the sacredness of a woman, family responsibilities, and care of Elders.
It is time for the men to find their proper place in the cycle of creation and to remember the true meaning of who they are and the sacred duties that have been given to them by the Creator.
In these ceremonies men learn ancient and original traditional Indigenous ways of healing for personal spiritual growth. Issues such as relationships, sexuality, fatherhood, dealing with negative emotions, rites of passage, stages of life, Ancestral lineage, connection to the Spirit World, connection to the natural laws of Mother Earth, the path of the Spiritual Warrior of Peace, and the fulfilment of destiny are explored.
Each weekend gathering typically consists of fasting, prayers offered at the Sacred Fire, teachings, sharing circles, individual time on the land, and a Purification (Sweat) Lodge.
There has never been a time in the history of humanity such as this new era. We are living in a time when the ‘call of Spirit’ is demanding our active engagement in a spiritual quest to understand destiny. We need to know our gifts, what work must we achieve during the time of our Earth walk, and how to walk in ‘balance’ to understand, honour, and protect the sacredness of all life. Soul of the Mother offers monthly ceremonies for the men to assist them in this process.
Customized Retreats
Today the wave of Spirit is sweeping the face of Mother Earth awakening more and more people to a spiritual quest of truth to understand one’s spiritual mandate in order to fulfill one’s spiritual destiny. Personal healing is the foundation for spiritual growth to attain balance and walk in the world with integrity.
Corporations, human service agencies, and all levels of government are realizing that collaboration and ethical decision-making characterize the way forward. Old measures of success are no longer viable.
The new era of humanity demands the New Mind be applied to lead the shift. The New Mind is a spiritually guided consciousness, connected to the Creator, receiving guidance immediately, and leading in ways consistent with the natural rhythm of Mother Earth and the universal spiritual laws of the Spirit World.
To this end, retreats are planned to take individuals on a spiritual journey in sacred lands, in a protected environment with highly trained Spiritual Warriors of Peace so that participants can work at achieving their connection to the Spirit World.
Retreats may include Fasting Lodges, Vision Quests, Purification Lodges, Renewal Ceremonies, Ancestor Ceremonies, Rites of Passage Celebrations, Naming Ceremonies, Dream Interpretation, and Releasing Ceremonies.
Soul of the Mother offers Customized Retreats to groups and organizations seeking true ‘vision’ to guide their work in this new time. Please contact us directly to discuss your needs so that we can design the gathering to meet the very special personal growth required for your group.
Training of the Spiritual Warrior of Peace
The Training of the Spiritual Warrior of Peace is Healing, Learning, Giving.
The Spiritual Warrior of Peace is trained through Ancient Indigenous wisdom teachings and rich ceremonial life. A Warrior must engage in spiritual discipline daily. Each day starts with the rising of the Sun in a ceremony of thanksgiving. The closing of each day ends in ceremony to give thanks and to review lessons learned in the day’s events.
A Spiritual Warrior of Peace makes a commitment to engage in her or his personal pathway of healing. Ceremonies bring the individual into communion with the Spirit and the natural rhythm of Mother Earth. Through healing, sacrifice, and service, one can learn how to implement Spiritual Law and Natural Law into daily living.
Spiritual Warriors of Peace accept their Ancestral lineage to walk in balance as Men and Women. Spiritual gifts emerge and develop to serve the Creator for the balancing of Humanity and the Natural World – all of creation.
There is surrender of one’s spirit to the Creator as the starting point. There is sacrifice of one’s own ego filled existence as one begins to place the Creator and His work first in life. There is suffering as one begins the arduous journey of personal healing, shedding old patterns and embracing the infinite. It is a life-long calling to serve the Creator when the message comes that we are ready. We must be filled with the knowledge of sacred connection to His words, immediate guidance, and ultimate faith that His medicine will defeat all negative.